Monday, August 30, 2010

Really, the place can survive without me?

Yep, that's me, martyr times 10!  For the last several months I have neglected to take vacation from work because there was too much going on, meetings I couldn't reschedule, customers coming into town or some other reason.  I need to seriously get over myself....  So, life threw me the unexpected today as I was supposed to travel to Iowa for work but Tim needed to travel and his reasons trumped mine and here I sit.  So since my calendar was already cleaned off for travel I checked with my boss and moved up my finally planned week of vacation in late September and taking this week off instead!!! 

So my dear blog followers, you can follow me on my newest quest to shed "things".  I think Jenny Craig is helping me shed not just pounds but also shed some emotional and physical baggage that I've been carrying around with me for years!  My goal for the week is to continuing the decluttering I started earlier this year, this time going through bins stored in my basement of things from my dad's house, things Tim and I have saved through the years and things I have saved for the kids.  I am going to organize and get this beautiful basement that my friend Eric created for me into a place fit for what it was intended - having fun!!  So, for those of you who have been enjoying some of my 80's flashbacks, be ready for lots more.  I'm heating up the scanner and pulling out the Thriller album and gettin busy!!!


  1. De-cluttering is soooo healthy. Good for you! :-) xxoo

  2. I'll join the declutter bandwagon, too!!! What's up first?!

  3. Start with a small section of whatever ... make three piles: keep, throw away and donate. Don't do too much at once! :-)

  4. I have several piles - pictures, Adam, Coop, Maclaine, goodwill, Craigslist, above the garage storage, basement storage, upstairs and garbage. So far the biggest pile is garbage which I guess is a good thing!
