Monday, August 30, 2010

Really, the place can survive without me?

Yep, that's me, martyr times 10!  For the last several months I have neglected to take vacation from work because there was too much going on, meetings I couldn't reschedule, customers coming into town or some other reason.  I need to seriously get over myself....  So, life threw me the unexpected today as I was supposed to travel to Iowa for work but Tim needed to travel and his reasons trumped mine and here I sit.  So since my calendar was already cleaned off for travel I checked with my boss and moved up my finally planned week of vacation in late September and taking this week off instead!!! 

So my dear blog followers, you can follow me on my newest quest to shed "things".  I think Jenny Craig is helping me shed not just pounds but also shed some emotional and physical baggage that I've been carrying around with me for years!  My goal for the week is to continuing the decluttering I started earlier this year, this time going through bins stored in my basement of things from my dad's house, things Tim and I have saved through the years and things I have saved for the kids.  I am going to organize and get this beautiful basement that my friend Eric created for me into a place fit for what it was intended - having fun!!  So, for those of you who have been enjoying some of my 80's flashbacks, be ready for lots more.  I'm heating up the scanner and pulling out the Thriller album and gettin busy!!!

Saturday, August 28, 2010


For the first time in our almost 19 years together Tim and I got new bedroom furniture!!  For those of you that remember, Tim was going to get me a bed for Christmas but when I got a hold of what he was thinking I stopped that idea dead in it's tracks!  The bed he had picked out was like one of those 1980's, country oak water bed frames with curly q's burned into the wood and a mirror in the headboard....  So, suffice it to say I finally splurged and got my new furniture!!  I LOVE IT!!  Of course I was very original since I just went and ordered the same bedroom set my sister has when I was in Waterloo a month ago and Tim was in Orlando (thought it would go over better for me to spend the money while he was spending money with the boys in Florida).

Our prior furniture included 2 hand me down dressers from my oldest sister Kathi, we've had them for 15 years and not sure how long she had them.  Anyway, I took pics before I had even emptied the drawers and put them on Craigslist.  Within 5 minutes I had someone wanting to come and get them!  I had to empty the drawers, dust off the cobwebs on the back of them, shine them up a bit and move them towards the door while Tim and Coop were at football practice.  By the time they got home the lady was here to collect them!!  Coop asked how much I got and I said $100, he said WOW, we must have some good stuff!!  I think he's eyeing our belongings and seeing what he can sell :0  Note to self:  Don't leave Coop home unattended with a computer....

And by the way, Jenny Craig is going VERY WELL!  The food is actually fantastic!  I have learned that it is definitely about portion control...

Well, I am off to Adam's football scrimmage, hope it is a nice cool morning.  I am ready for football weather!!!!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

What do you mean peas are bad?

So, I had a follow-up at Jenny Craig today and I was so proud of myself!  It was my second day on the program and all has gone well.  I was supposed to have a cup and a half of cooked veggies with my chicken alfredo last night and I threw in some frozen peas.  So, I go to talk to my counselor and tell her and she looks at me with these huge eyes and said "Oh no!  Not peas!"  I can have sugar snap peas but not peas...  aren't there peas in sugar snap peas?  Who would ever think that "sugar" snap peas are better for you than regular green peas?

Tonight is back to school night at the junior high, the point is to go from class to class like your child does and meet the teachers.  This year they are doing all 3 grades on the same night and Tim is out of town so I would have to do both kids schedules simultaneously.  It wore me out just thinking about it so I am laying in bed contemplating what to watch on TV.  Sometimes you just have to say NO!

One last thing, on my way home from work tonight there were estate sale signs up at the front of the subdivision.  I can never turn away from a good estate sale!  I purchased a pool table - I tried to call Tim before I made the purchase and no answer so I went for it.   Usually this scenario doesn't go so well but this time, I guess I done good!   Now I just have to figure out how to get it home....

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Here comes the cleaning lady...

August 25th

So, one of the things we've done to cope with the stress of 3 kids and two parents who work full time is to get a cleaning lady every two weeks.  It's the only way I can be sure that the toilets are cleaned at least once in a blue moon.  It is usually chaos on the mornings the cleaning lady is coming, everything that is not nailed down goes into the drawers, the cupboards, the laundry room, the closets and the dishwasher.  This morning the dishes in the dishwasher were clean but sort of "not clean" so I took out the clean ones (had no leftover food crust on them), added the new dirty ones and added dirty silverware to the clean silverware and started it up.  So here I sit eating my Jenny Craig cereal with the only spoon left in my drawer, a grapefruit spoon (I used the huge serving spoon last night for my late night bowl of cereal).  I know my cleaning lady thinks I'm a disaster because she talks about other people and how their houses aren't as "bad".  And by the way Rhonda, she thinks we have way too much underwear, she only keeps 3 weeks worth....  Why am I discussing my best friend's underwear drawer with our cleaning lady?

Blog #2

August 23

Well, I am having a hard time with this blogging site so I will be moving to a new one before I do much more blogging. If you've found this one, thanks for coming and stay tuned!! I am officially contributing to Valerie Bertinelli's second career as a weight loss motivator! I joined Jenny Craig today, program starts on Wednesday. My "coach" is a working mother with 6 kids (all hers) ages 19 down to 3! YIKES! I had to talk about my motivation to do this program....hmmmm.... does the fact that the folks at the Wendy's drive through know me seem like a problem? The other thing I really liked is that when you could pick out your 3 favorite food categories (like Mexican, Italian, Vegetarian, Desserts) that Cheesy was one of the options. The only thing that would be better would be a sour cream category! We will be doing a lot of talking about why we eat, I have already nailed that down to emotional eating caused by stress. So, while my weight loss journey is about to begin, the stress reduction journey has to start NOW! Not to completely change subjects but I almost died this morning when Adam walked out of his room wearing nice khaki shorts, a polo shirt, his Reebok tennies and LONG BLACK SOCKS! He said it looked cool! Cooper looked at me and rolled his eyes! Where is this cool, at a nursing home?

Blog #1

August 22

OK, I have been wanting to start a blog for some time now, maybe it's the first step in my journey to some day be a "real" writer!! I figured what better time to get started then when I have just gotten off the phone with a Jenny Craig consultant. Yes, I am going to lose some darn weight... My first appointment is tomorrow at 6:00 pm and I am taking the diet police with me (Maclaine). I took a survey last night and I am an emotional eater (imagine that) and a stress eater (plenty of that) and I like comfort foods, ie., cheese, lots and lots of cheese, extra extra cheese and for those that know me well, sour cream on everything. I also drink way too much soda - Mountain Dew is my poison of choice. Finally, the fact that the folks at Kwik Shop and Wendy's know me so well isn't because I am a health food nut my standard breakfast of Mountain Dew and bacon isn't going to help me lose the rolls I've developed around my middle. I'm hoping that my follower friends can help me keep on track by following my weight loss journey and the adventures of having a stressful career and raising three very active and high maintenance children (Adam - 13, Cooper - 11, Maclaine - 9). My life's cast also includes a helpful but sometimes moody straight spouse (Tim) and a fun-loving, soul searching gay husband (Paul), two sisters (Sue and Kathi) and great friends at work, at home, new friends and very old friends. I don't know how often I will write, my goal is to make this first of all funny, second of all inspirational (or at least help you feel like you aren't alone in the maddening world of over stimulation and multi-tasking and putting mommy last on the list). Thanks for coming along on the ride with me!!