Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Here comes the cleaning lady...

August 25th

So, one of the things we've done to cope with the stress of 3 kids and two parents who work full time is to get a cleaning lady every two weeks.  It's the only way I can be sure that the toilets are cleaned at least once in a blue moon.  It is usually chaos on the mornings the cleaning lady is coming, everything that is not nailed down goes into the drawers, the cupboards, the laundry room, the closets and the dishwasher.  This morning the dishes in the dishwasher were clean but sort of "not clean" so I took out the clean ones (had no leftover food crust on them), added the new dirty ones and added dirty silverware to the clean silverware and started it up.  So here I sit eating my Jenny Craig cereal with the only spoon left in my drawer, a grapefruit spoon (I used the huge serving spoon last night for my late night bowl of cereal).  I know my cleaning lady thinks I'm a disaster because she talks about other people and how their houses aren't as "bad".  And by the way Rhonda, she thinks we have way too much underwear, she only keeps 3 weeks worth....  Why am I discussing my best friend's underwear drawer with our cleaning lady?


  1. I don't know what I would do without my cleaning lady coming every two weeks - and I'm single with no kids!

  2. Wait a minute--I have 4 kids and no cleaning lady! Grrrrr.....Love the blog, Jamie!

  3. I hired the cleaning lady without asking my husband, he just came home to a clean house one day and he liked it so much we kept it up! And I have stay at home mom friends with cleaning ladies so why not me? All of us just want sanity and more time with the family.

  4. I kissed my sanity good-bye ages ago, but I do love to come home after she's been there. Plus, it 'forces' to me straighten up the night before :-)

  5. Ok, I have a blogger questions cause it's been ages since I've used it. Are these the only options for comments now? The ones in the drop down box below? Is there a Name/URL option that you can add? I ask because as your blog becomes more popular and more people want to interact with you, it's nice to be able to leave direct name and blog links.

  6. Jessica, you are already over my head!! I will send you my login and you can check it out!
