Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Blog #1

August 22

OK, I have been wanting to start a blog for some time now, maybe it's the first step in my journey to some day be a "real" writer!! I figured what better time to get started then when I have just gotten off the phone with a Jenny Craig consultant. Yes, I am going to lose some darn weight... My first appointment is tomorrow at 6:00 pm and I am taking the diet police with me (Maclaine). I took a survey last night and I am an emotional eater (imagine that) and a stress eater (plenty of that) and I like comfort foods, ie., cheese, lots and lots of cheese, extra extra cheese and for those that know me well, sour cream on everything. I also drink way too much soda - Mountain Dew is my poison of choice. Finally, the fact that the folks at Kwik Shop and Wendy's know me so well isn't because I am a health food nut my standard breakfast of Mountain Dew and bacon isn't going to help me lose the rolls I've developed around my middle. I'm hoping that my follower friends can help me keep on track by following my weight loss journey and the adventures of having a stressful career and raising three very active and high maintenance children (Adam - 13, Cooper - 11, Maclaine - 9). My life's cast also includes a helpful but sometimes moody straight spouse (Tim) and a fun-loving, soul searching gay husband (Paul), two sisters (Sue and Kathi) and great friends at work, at home, new friends and very old friends. I don't know how often I will write, my goal is to make this first of all funny, second of all inspirational (or at least help you feel like you aren't alone in the maddening world of over stimulation and multi-tasking and putting mommy last on the list). Thanks for coming along on the ride with me!!


  1. Oh Jamie, I am so excited to follow your journey! It brings back so many memories of running the kids, trying to keep a home and feeling like nothing ever got completely done! But at a almost empty nester those years are now a blur.... Kinda of like child birth, you remember it was "not fun" but the end result was so worth it!And the moody husband I also get ~ after all I married a Harter! They are the best as long as you don't ask them how they feel about something.... LOL
    Your Outlaw Sister

  2. Cathy, you crack me up!!! You are so right, communication is not the top of the list for Harter men!! I read your FB posts and realize how fast this is going to go and how soon we will be empty nesters. My kids will either enjoy reading this some day or be embarrassed as all get out!
