Thursday, August 26, 2010

What do you mean peas are bad?

So, I had a follow-up at Jenny Craig today and I was so proud of myself!  It was my second day on the program and all has gone well.  I was supposed to have a cup and a half of cooked veggies with my chicken alfredo last night and I threw in some frozen peas.  So, I go to talk to my counselor and tell her and she looks at me with these huge eyes and said "Oh no!  Not peas!"  I can have sugar snap peas but not peas...  aren't there peas in sugar snap peas?  Who would ever think that "sugar" snap peas are better for you than regular green peas?

Tonight is back to school night at the junior high, the point is to go from class to class like your child does and meet the teachers.  This year they are doing all 3 grades on the same night and Tim is out of town so I would have to do both kids schedules simultaneously.  It wore me out just thinking about it so I am laying in bed contemplating what to watch on TV.  Sometimes you just have to say NO!

One last thing, on my way home from work tonight there were estate sale signs up at the front of the subdivision.  I can never turn away from a good estate sale!  I purchased a pool table - I tried to call Tim before I made the purchase and no answer so I went for it.   Usually this scenario doesn't go so well but this time, I guess I done good!   Now I just have to figure out how to get it home....

1 comment:

  1. My husband always seemed to be on duty on the back to school nights. Each teacher did their presentation twice, but I had 4 kids there. How do you pick? Then after the two, I would try to stop by the other two to pick up the information and sometimes even get a snotty look like "why didn't I attend the presentation?". It was just easier to call ahead and say I couldn't make it and pick up all the stuff the next day. Probably wont win me a "Mom Of The Year" award, but neither will going crazy ;)
